Measurement plan example
The measurement plan is the basis of the project design. The accuracy of all bindings for furniture, equipment, sockets and switches, plumbing fixtures and others depends on how well the measurements of an apartment, house or public premises are made.component design - project.

Пример обмеров квартиры в ж/к "IQ House", г. Днепр.

Пример обмеров квартиры в ж/к "IQ House", г. Днепр.
How to properly measure an apartment.
Measurements are usually taken at the first visit to the object. In addition to measuring all surfaces, a photo or video recording of the object is also carried out so as not to miss a single important detail.
Next, a measurement plan is drawn up. The plan indicates:
all dimensional chains;
the height of all openings and all rooms;
binding of all existing communications - radiators, water and sewer risers, heating;
floor differences - thresholds and podiums;
ventilation shafts and openings;
electrical conclusions;
alarm outputs.
The material of walls and partitions is also fixed, and load-bearing structures are indicated.
VAKULENKODESIGN design studio offers measurement services for further development of the design project.
A measurement drawing, the price of which is 1$ per m2, will be professionally and in detail, so that your design turns out to be of high quality and, as a result, you get an interior as close to the project as possible.